Introduce that you’re now going to start thinking about your <e.g. workplace> - mapping what you do now and spotting opportunities
Using the 5 ways in discussion guide as a structure, give people time to think about each question and the prompts that sit underneath.
To help you capture the conversation, you may want to use a shared flipchart and post-its or an online equivalent like Jamboard or Miro if meeting remotely.
Once people have had time to think and/or add post-its then come back up and discuss each question - giving everyone time to share their thoughts and capturing the discussion
Leave a little time at the end to summarise the discussion you’ve had e.g. I think I’ve heard <quick summary> is there anything I’ve missed?
Why not look at what else is being done with your peers, either individually or as a business. Start by asking ‘What’s one nature friendly thing we admire from another organisation, what has our business done before?’ Build the discussion around why you admire it and what you could see it looking like if your business or team was to do something similar.
Here are some examples of companies you could look at:
There are many more companies out there taking different actions for nature, be sure to take a look for any in your field
If you’d like to find out more about some of the topics we’ve mentioned in this guide, here are some links to start you off.